Thursday, February 27, 2020

Too Much?

Last week, the blogpost was titled “Too Little, Too Soon?” in reference to how little content there is for my website and the idea that monetization from the jump may not be as good of an option. By comparison, this week I’ve titled the post “Too Much?” How can I have such different headlines talking about the same site?

This week, as a part of the coursework, classmates were posting links to their sites. I got a chance to go check out some of their work and internally critique it. Part of me now looks back at my website and wonders if my direction for the site involves biting off more than I can chew. I have a site that touts reviews for whatever media I’m consuming. Movies, Television, Books, whatever . . . and that’s the issue. The “whatever”. In other business classes I learned about the pivot. Part of me wonders if it’s already time for me to pivot in my approach to Live, On The Couch.

Restrict it for the time being (or indefinitely) to just one type of review. Television or Movies or Books . . .

It would allow me to have a more specialized advertisement for the site as well. Focus on the specialized niche it’s serving.

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