Saturday, February 15, 2020

Who You Know

This week has been a chore. On top of it all, I’ve learned that procrastination is not my friend. While I know a part of this is should reflect my thoughts about legality of businesses and such . . . it’s just peripherally important to the week.
I freely admit that I should have begun working on the actual website sooner, but I had to wait until paychecks hit before I could feel safe enough attempting to pay for webhosting. Now, due to shoddy investigation on my part, that cheapest per month price that Bluehost gave me was only available if I purchased three years at a time. Even adjusting it to the shortest term (a third of the timeframe) only halved the total amount, which would still be a massive financial burden to my wife and I. $60 before is not a small amount when we’re barely making it paycheck to paycheck, especially when my wife considered any time I spent studying or working on schoolwork the equivalent of goofing off or playing video games.
But, and here’s where the blog post title comes into play. What contacts I have through my video gaming garnered me assistance for hosting. In a MMO I play, a guildmate offered me free webhosting on their personal web server, All I would need to pay for would be the domain name registration.
So, rather than $60 plus tax, I paid $1.17 (tax included in that amount) and after conferring with them through voice chat and screenshare of the “free hosting trial” GoDaddy is giving me after purchasing just the domain name . . . I was advised to keep the one month trial and transition the hosting to them after that first month.
Regardless, now I know I have someone in my pocket that I can go to for (if nothing else) advice on the technical side of things. Also, plenty of other people I know through gaming have stepped up and offered advice and knowledge of website building and helping me make the site look swanky and awesome. I haven’t taken their offers up yet, but at least I know assistance is there. I know I’ll want to have the site improve it’s appearance . . . I mean, have you looked at Yikes does it need work.

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