Thursday, February 27, 2020

Too Much?

Last week, the blogpost was titled “Too Little, Too Soon?” in reference to how little content there is for my website and the idea that monetization from the jump may not be as good of an option. By comparison, this week I’ve titled the post “Too Much?” How can I have such different headlines talking about the same site?

This week, as a part of the coursework, classmates were posting links to their sites. I got a chance to go check out some of their work and internally critique it. Part of me now looks back at my website and wonders if my direction for the site involves biting off more than I can chew. I have a site that touts reviews for whatever media I’m consuming. Movies, Television, Books, whatever . . . and that’s the issue. The “whatever”. In other business classes I learned about the pivot. Part of me wonders if it’s already time for me to pivot in my approach to Live, On The Couch.

Restrict it for the time being (or indefinitely) to just one type of review. Television or Movies or Books . . .

It would allow me to have a more specialized advertisement for the site as well. Focus on the specialized niche it’s serving.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Too Little, Too Soon

This week has been the first full week of Live, On The Couch and I’ve realized a few things about the website . . .  there just isn’t all that much content for it. I have basically one weekly media review on the site and an indication that a second weekly post is coming. In the back of my mind all week there’s been this niggling thought that if I were attempting to seriously do this (as opposed to doing it for the assignment, which is still as serious take, just not in the same manner), I’d approach it slightly differently.
As touched on in my in-class discussion board post, I would work on developing content and try to get as much of a catalogue of content before considering monetizing the site. Just having barely a handful of reviews just isn’t a wide enough selection to know what Keywords to use (the purposes of this week’s coursework) to advertise the site properly.
I’d also work on building up a schedule where there’s more than one update per week. Possibly keep the one weekly round-up of what I’ve watched, but then add to it. Have one day that I’m discussing a favorite media type from the past, have another day in which I focus on upcoming movies, tv, books etc.
As good as those plans are, they just aren’t feasible within the confines of the class that only runs a semester. So, I will have to do the best I can with what I’m given. I’m sure I’ll do fine, but it’s good insight to apply to future endeavors.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Who You Know

This week has been a chore. On top of it all, I’ve learned that procrastination is not my friend. While I know a part of this is should reflect my thoughts about legality of businesses and such . . . it’s just peripherally important to the week.
I freely admit that I should have begun working on the actual website sooner, but I had to wait until paychecks hit before I could feel safe enough attempting to pay for webhosting. Now, due to shoddy investigation on my part, that cheapest per month price that Bluehost gave me was only available if I purchased three years at a time. Even adjusting it to the shortest term (a third of the timeframe) only halved the total amount, which would still be a massive financial burden to my wife and I. $60 before is not a small amount when we’re barely making it paycheck to paycheck, especially when my wife considered any time I spent studying or working on schoolwork the equivalent of goofing off or playing video games.
But, and here’s where the blog post title comes into play. What contacts I have through my video gaming garnered me assistance for hosting. In a MMO I play, a guildmate offered me free webhosting on their personal web server, All I would need to pay for would be the domain name registration.
So, rather than $60 plus tax, I paid $1.17 (tax included in that amount) and after conferring with them through voice chat and screenshare of the “free hosting trial” GoDaddy is giving me after purchasing just the domain name . . . I was advised to keep the one month trial and transition the hosting to them after that first month.
Regardless, now I know I have someone in my pocket that I can go to for (if nothing else) advice on the technical side of things. Also, plenty of other people I know through gaming have stepped up and offered advice and knowledge of website building and helping me make the site look swanky and awesome. I haven’t taken their offers up yet, but at least I know assistance is there. I know I’ll want to have the site improve it’s appearance . . . I mean, have you looked at Yikes does it need work.