Friday, March 20, 2020

Corona and Snake Oil

This week the country had to acknowledge Covid-19. Businesses closed down; restaurants are doing carry-out/delivery only, people are asked to self-quarantine. Thus far, the only impact all of this has had on my life has been that when I went to do a Sam’s Cub run, my wife’s beverage of choice, Diet Coke, was sold out.
I feel blessed that the impact to my family and I is so minor, thus far. It gives me more time to work on schoolwork. This week has been all about sales skills with everyone’s favorite product, digital snake oil. Learning the tricks of the digital world to artificially enhance your positioning through less than moral and ethical tactics. I guess even if I choose not to participate in such chicanery, it’s good to have a lesson on it so I know what’s being done out there in the virtual wild west by my competitors.
I mean granted, yes. Not all the information presented has been of the shady variety. General advice to just work on the general quality level of your website/business is good. Setting up Social Media accounts to be able to interact with your audience is going to be a beneficial step, so long as you don’t come across insincere and just want to shill your product.

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